Additional Symbols to add to the palette

• Sep 14, 2011 - 04:52

I'm looking to use a bunch of non-standard microtonal accidentals, but can't figure out how to create additional symbols beyond what's already available. Is there any way to do this, perhaps by pulling in fonts already on my computer? Ideally, I'd like to actually have them appear in the Accidentals palette, but I'm looking now for something with at least the basic capability of Finale's Symbol creation panel.

If that's not possible, maybe it's hackable? I'm not posting this in Feature Requests because I'm not sure if it exists. I'm happy to work on it, though, if it's a commonly requested feature.




There is currently no way in MuseScore 1.1 to add your own symbol in the palettes. In MuseScore 2.0, you should be able to edit the palette and move symbols around. Not sure if you can add your own but there are been several discussions to define a way to make "symbol packages" or custom palette.
See :
See also :…

Seems to me the two basic approaches are to create the symbols in an exteral grhics editor and place them that way, or to create or find a fobnt that includes the symbols and place them as text. Both approaches work already, but could be made more seamless. The links above seem to be about streamlining the process of placing graphics, and it aounds like some of that work is already in place or underway. As for text, I,ve done this by loading up Character Map (Windows), finding the character I want, copying it, then pasting it into a text element in MuseScore and manually setting the font to match. This works, but if one wanted to make this work better, I could imagine an extension to the Text Symbols palette that allowed you to select a font and it would show you the characters of that font. Basically, reimplement Character Map within MuseScore. I might say this sounds like it's outside the scope of what MuseScore needs to do, but given that the Text Symbol palette already exists, I'm thinking it might be a pretty natural fit.

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