MIDI export of score with multiple verses superimposes the verses within a single file

• Jan 24, 2025 - 19:57

I work with standard 4-part choral music, much of which uses several verses.

I can enter the verses into MuseScore 4, but when exported to MIDI, the notes appear only once (regardless of whether I use the repeat bar line or DC or DC al fine or nothing at all), with the words appearing at the same time. From a "mido" printing of the MIDI file, this is what appears:
Message('note_on', channel=0, note=65, velocity=80, time=0),
Message('control_change', channel=0, control=2, value=80, time=0),
MetaMessage('lyrics', text='O', time=0),
MetaMessage('lyrics', text='Jé', time=0),

The "O" and the "Jé" are the first syllables of verse 1 and verse 2 respectively. When viewed with Noteworthy Composer (which reads MIDI files with lyrics), the verses are overlaid/interleaved, so it probably isn't my incorrect reading of the MIDI file.

The desired behavior would have something that looked like:
Message('note_on', channel=0, note=65, velocity=80, time=0),
Message('control_change', channel=0, control=2, value=80, time=0),
MetaMessage('lyrics', text='O', time=0),
(all the notes here)
Message('note_on', channel=0, note=65, velocity=80, time=1000),
Message('control_change', channel=0, control=2, value=80, time=1000),
MetaMessage('lyrics', text='Jé', time=0),
(all the notes here, again)

The "time=1000" is an arbitrary example, not from a real file like the rest.

I may have mistakenly used "time=1000" in the last line of the example, as I'm unclear whether the MIDI timing is relative or absolute for that kind of message.

Is there a setting or an entry of some kind that I'm missing, in order to get the desired output?

If not, could you consider changing MuseScore to permit multiple verse MIDI output usable by other programs?

Thank you for your time and consideration!


I know nothing about MIDI code, but when I create a score in MuseScore with multiple verse/choruses, if it plays the verses in MuS, then it plays them in the exported MIDI. *shrug*

On the Export dialog, is it possible you have Expand repeats unchecked?

In reply to by TheHutch

No, the "Expand Repeats" box is definitely checked.
The problem is that the lyrics are all together, one verse's word directly following the previous verse's word, both listed as time=0. Since I believe that's relative time, that wouldn't necessarily have been an error if that verse's word appeared after a note at a different absolute time.

The problem is still the lyrics, not the notes. I don't want to have to copy-paste-edit verse after verse for the songbook I'm working on.

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