ultimate release of mscore

• Mar 21, 2009 - 08:43

In the last week I've receoved trhee (3) updating of mscore ( my OS is ubuntu) ... I have a very simple question:
the plash sceen says always 0.9.5 un stable pre release !
I ask confirmation: is that the ultimate version or not?
many thanks


if you want to know the revision number of the prerelease, you can use the Help -> About menu.
Prereleases are indeed "ultimate" (=last) version, direct from the code repostitory, unstable and for testing purpose.

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As Lasonic points out the prereleases are for testing purposes (or brave users who don't mind the risk of crashes and loss of data). 0.9.5 is still under development. If by "ultimate" you are asking whether this the final release of version 0.9.5 (stable) the answer is no. If by "ultimate" you are asking whether this is the most recent prerelease-version of MuseScore then yes.

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