[MusicXML Import] should not create visual tempo element for <sound tempo="num"/> element
If I create a new score in Finale Notepad 2012 and don't make a visual tempo element, then Finale Notepad doesn't display any tempo element:
Exporting to MusicXML has a sound tempo="120" element in first measure by default:
Note that is not a "direction text" element http://www.musicxml.com/for-developers/musicxml-dtd/direction-elements/ (which is something that would be visually displayed)
When opening in 2.0.3, the xml import code doesn't create a visual tempo text element, which is correct.
However, when opening in 3.0.0-dev 676b0a3, the import code seems to incorrectly creating a tempo text element:
If save, that element gets saved to the mscx or xml.
Also another problem is if have multiple parts, then since each part has its own sound tempo element in their first measure, then on import musescore creates multiple overlapping tempo text elements all occupying the same visual space (so it looks like there is only one).
Still actual.
relates to #270643: [EPIC] MusicXML import/export issues
Hi MuseScore! Dropping a note to say that the next version of music21 will increase the frequency of musicxml output with sound tags lacking metronome tags (because of a change to how we parse MIDI) with the intent of those tempo marks being hidden if they lack a metronome tag, much like the described solution here:
Above it is mentioned how drawing the tempo mark in this scenario (tempo but no metronome) is not compliant with the spec. This is in keeping with other sound vs notation pairs of elements like tied/tie etc
That means we are seeing our musicxml display somewhat poorly, like this:
This could indeed be annoying, so I created a simple fix in pull request https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/7171. Hope this will be included in MuseScore 3.6.
Fixed in branch 3.x, commit 5f8ea1c312
fix #137091: [MusicXML Import] should not create visual tempo element for element
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
FYI I created a PR which implements a matching MusicXML export functionality: exporting of hidden tempo text as
element withoutdirection