Turning one stave into 2

• Nov 19, 2011 - 18:29

I'm trying to edit some midi files down to something readable in MS, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. I've got a couple midi files that I was given, and when I import them into musescore, everything appears on one stave - either bass or treble - and I was just wondering if there was a way to import it so that it would split the chords and put the correct notes on the correct stave (or at least close).

Or else, is there a way to go through and select all of the bottom notes of the "chords" the import created without individually clicking each note I want to delete? Basically I want to highlight all the notes that should be in the bass stave, delete them, copy the treble notes and paste them into a new file that has split staves, then go back and delete the treble and copy/paste the bass. Any time I try to select multiple notes, though, it selects the entire chord or the entire measure.




The ideal way would be if your MIDI file was already split into separate channels in the way you wish it to be split. if the MIDI file itself contains all the notes in a single channel, there is really very little else that can be done aside from things like the explode plugin. It will only work well if the piece really does lend itself to being split up that way - eg, a sequence of discrete chords with the same numebr of notes in each, as opposed to anything more polyphonic (notes of different rhythms being played at once). There is basically no possible way to autmatically sort that out with any reliability.

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