horizontal offsetting complete notes

• Oct 16, 2016 - 18:09

I am trying to edit a guitar score where all the "base" notes are covered by the stems of the other notes, making the base notes difficult to read. The base notes are all voice 3 but when I select them and try to use horizontal offset, only the heads move. I can do the stems in a secondary move, but most of the notes are dotted and the dots don't get moved. I can select each dot separately but that is a time consuming and frustrating task. Is there any way to select the complete notes (heads, stems and dots) on a single voice and offset them all in one go?


If you really use the 3 voices, then you can use the offset of the **chord** to shift them a bit. But if you don't use voice 1 and 2, maybe try to use them instead using Edit > Voice > exchange voices.

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