how to ? - remove all "gliss."-text above all gliss signs

• Oct 20, 2016 - 15:32

I have a score with a very big number of glissando sign. However it does not make sense, to have the "gliss." text phrase written all over the place.

I know that you can delete the text in the inspector one after another.
This unfortunately would take forever.
Is there a possibility to get rid of them automatically?

Thank you in advance


Right-click on a glissando sign -> Select -> All similar elements -> Untick "Show text" in Inspector

You can reuse this glissando (without text, if always or often wished) by drag/drop in the palette : hold on Ctrl + Shift in this procedure.

In reply to by cadiz1

Wow that is really elegant! Thank you a lot.

However I could not add it to my palette.
Holding Cmd+Shift gave me the modifier indicating the
drag and drop capability, but when i released it there was no new
symbol added.

One next question is:
can I add shortcuts for palette items? I could not find it in the manual.

many greetings

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