Adjust number of bars in a line

• Oct 23, 2016 - 09:14

As a rather new (5days only) user of musescore I would like to know, how to adjust the number of bars in a chamber duo.
There are bars in one part with only one or none notes and somewere else I have demisemiquavers.
Naturally, the layout has to be totally different for various sections of my piece of music.
So how is this done?
I have only found layout\increase,decrease stretch. But it seems impossible to attain the desired effect like this.
Generally, I am enjoying the program very much. Fantastic work!


Let's step back a moment though - why are you trying to override the defaults? You shouldn't normally need to do anything at all - the automatic spacing should produce good results most of the time. It's possible you are misunderstanding something basic about how multiple staves work, but I'm not sure. Can you attach the score you are having trouble with and explain what you are trying to do and why?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hallo In the attachment is a scan of a version before I corrected it using the advice from the first answer to my question.
Now I have obtained some satisfying results.
I was using Sibelius some years ago and there you could select a number of bars and bring them into one dcore line. I guess I was looking for this exact feature in musescore.

Attachment Size
achron ex.jpg 691.24 KB

In reply to by Veet Guitarsky

Oh, is that the very end of the piece? If so, then I understand you might want to fiddle with things so the last line looks better. If this isn't the end, we'd need to see the actual score - not just a picture - to see what is happening.

Note that normally a underfilled last line would simply not be stretched out to the right margin. You can control how full the last line needs to be before filling stretching in Style / General / Page.

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