How to space triplets on one stave the same way?

• Oct 23, 2016 - 21:09

Hi there,

Today I helped a friend create this part (see attachment). In the last line, you can see several bars filled with triplets. And you'll also see that they're spaced differently. How can I get those huse triplets smaller and the small first set of triplets a bit bigger?

Thanks in advance!
Hieke van Hoogdalem

Attachment Size
Trio Cambini FLUTE.mscz 39.91 KB


Not sure which measures you mean specifically, but if you are talking about 118 for example, the spacing differs because of the ledger lines. The fact that they are triplets is not relevant - notes with ledger lines take a little more space than those without. That's pretty standard. You can force ledger lines to be shorter in Style / General / Notes if you really need to force the spacing to be consistent, but unless you have some unusual special reason for this, I would leave the defaults alone.

Hi Marc & Raymond,

Thanks for your quick replies. I was talking about bar 133 unti the end (138). The division of bars across the systems is exactly what we want, but as you can see, the triplets of bar 135 are much bigger than of bars 133 and 136. How can I get those to be about the same size? The smaller a bit larger and te large ones a bit smaller.

So tips about how to get measures to other systems is NOT what I'm looking for ;-)

In reply to by hiekevanhoogdalem

First, I think you misunderstand - the spacing changes you attempted to make are in part what *caused* the problem. You need to set things back to the defaults, then things will be better.

To do this, select the range of measures you are concerned with and then use Layout / Reset Stretch.

Once you do that, you can then fine tunes tune things however you like. But FWIW, you really shouldn't be trying to make all triplets the same spacing even if they are on different systems - that is incorrect notation practice. Some systems are more full than others and those are *supposed* to be tighter than the systems that are less full. If you fiddle with measure individually you get inconsistent spacing *within* a line, and that is not normally accepted practice. You can use stretch adjustments to squeeze that entire passage tighter - for instance, after resetting stretch in that passage, you could then reduce *everything* one notch by pressing "{" a single time. This will give correct consistent spacing that is probably about how you want it, and you can then fine tune from there if necessary.

When I do that - first reset stretch, then reduce one notch - the only measures that look at all "off" are 133 and 136. The triplets here look tighter than the triplets elsewhere, because the rhythm in these measure is different from others (mix of triplets and regular eighths). If that bothers you, then you could increase stretch in those measures alone. Or some combination of increasing stretch in those measures while decreasing it in 135 until things look more pleasing to you. It's definitely an art not a science.

The point of line breaks, btw, is to force fewer measures on a system than would normally fit. By inserting line breaks, you have fewer measures on a system, and thus everything will be spaced wider without needing to mess with stretch. That's another way of doing things.

In reply to by hiekevanhoogdalem

Shift+{ will increase the stretch in the selected measure, and if this makes things too big to fit on a single line, it will indeed push a measure to the next line. So you would need to instead (or in addition) *decrease* stretch on the other bars if you want to keep them on on the same system. There is no magic here - only so much music can fit on a line, and if you tell MuseScore to make one measure bigger on an already full system, something else will need to be made smaller to compensate.

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