Can someone help me to understand what has happened here?

• Nov 7, 2016 - 22:12

Something, I don't know what and why, happened at bar 172 of this score (related picture: This keeps me from continuing my work. Can someone help me?

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O Lago dos Cisnes - Cópia.mscz 136.94 KB


Are you sure you mean measure 172? As far as I can tell, the score you posted has no measure 172 visible. The one movement ends with 171, and then the next starts with 193. You have "Hide empty staves: turned on; if I turn it off, then measures 172-192 do appear, but they look perfectly normal. Can you explain in more detail what I need to do after loading your score in order to see a problem?

BTW, I am not sure why you have all those empty measures, but if it's because you haven't figured out how to delete them, simply select them and press Ctrl+Delete (Cmd+Delete on Mac).

In reply to by Leonardo Teixeira

Looks like some sort of bug in Continuous View that affects the display of measures right after a section break. I don't think it harms anything in your score, though - if you enter notes, they appear correctly when you switch back to page view. My guess is that it is not correctly accounting for the size of the clef and/or key signature. It looks like issue #96321: Corruption when viewing score with section break in continuous view deals with this.

Little 5.png NOT FOUND: little 2.png little 3.png Little.png

I think the measure 172 is simply very small, because empty, because the Key , because the 2 sharps. If you delete the 2 sharps in changing for C Major, the measure becomes larger, you can put notes in it, I had filled it with 16 double , and it becomes very large.

If you delete the section Jump, all is becoming good, because in deleting the jump, you delete the new G key and the new 2 sharps.

Look how little is the measure NOT FOUND: Little 4.png

Sorry for my english, I'm french. Bye.

I can see something strange in the way MuseScore is drawing the notes in bar 172 in continuous view. When I started entering crotchets in bar 172, the rest from the next bar (173) started overlaying the area of bar 172. It seems that MS does not allocate enough space for bar 172 (which is the first bar after the section break).

Entering 8 quavers in bar 172 seems fixing the display because it forces MS to allocate more space for that bar.

Page view seems to work fine.

Windows 7 / MS 2.0.3

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