Overlapping notes from different measures

• Dec 13, 2011 - 10:38


Sorry if this is already answered elsewhere (I couldn't find anything similar).

I'm starting using MuseScore and I'm thrilled of its potential.
Anyway, I'n having this problem with MuseScore 1.1 (Ubuntu): when entering lyrics in the final note in a measure, I'm getting a note from the next measure overlap with it (see attached image).

I just can't get rid of this. If I delete all the notes and reenter them, the problem occurs after entering the lyrics.

Any advice/suggestion?

Thanks again,
Ari Constancio

Attachment Size
overlap.png 45.54 KB


I could not reproduce this bug under Windows using a custom 1.2 build (unreleased). If you still can, submit the score with a bug report. It's possible the score is/was corrupted causing the issue.

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