Guitar discrepancy between main score and guitar score

• Nov 15, 2016 - 17:00

Musescore 2.0.3 3c7a69d

Hi guys. I have created a score (32 pages) and am setting out the individual players scores. There is a discrepancy between the guitar part in my main score and the guitar players 'part'. I have dropped the octaves in the guitar players score so that it looks 'right' and then MScore colours in all the notes as being (presumably) too low!
Is there a workaround and if I have done something stupid, could you put me right for the future (or even, how to get out of this predicament as I need it for this Thursday!)

Thanks as usual.

Attachment Size
Guitar from guitar score.png 5.79 KB
Guitar from main score.png 11.49 KB


To be clear: the standard guitars are transposing instrument - they sound an octave lower than written. The lowest note - the "E" string - is notated three ledger lines below the treble clef staff but actually sounds an octave lower, as the E below the *bass* clef staff. The way MuseScore and at least some other notation programs and publishers indicate this is using the treble clef with the little "8" below it - that way it displays the same way with Concert Pitch on or off.

Without the actual score it's hard to do more than my guess, but it seems likely you have somehow misunderstood how this works and entered notes into the wrong octave, not realizing how the clef and the transposition work.

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