overlapping bars

• Jan 1, 2012 - 14:12
S5 - Suggestion

Hello! I am brand new to this application having only downloaded it a couple of days ago, so I have no idea if this is an issue that was solved ages ago, though I could not find any specific reference to it by searching. I am creating a single instrument part, and twice now when I got to the end of a stave and started a new one the next bar appeared to overlap with a bar of rest I had already created, and carry on doing so no matter what I did. The first time it suddenly sorted itself, but the second time is proving very stubborn. When I tried carrying on past the problem two bars of notes then got mixed up, as you can see in the attached file. I am new to music software, not that good with computers, and feeling like a bit of an idiot. Will some kind person tell me what I have got wrong?

Attachment Size
Symphony no 6.mscz 8.95 KB


1. Please ask questions like this in the forum rather than in the issue tracker.
2. Which bars (from the more than 300) do have the issue?

Apologies for not knowing the protocols. I will remember in future.

The problem mysteriously resolved itself after I posted, but I did not know how to delete the topic (or if I even could). If it recurs I will bring it to the forum as you advise. Many thanks.