Pickup/irregular measure counts towards the measures/system style setting

• Jan 24, 2012 - 13:24

Running MuseScore 1.1 (r4611) on Windows 7. If the style setting "Fix Number of Measures/System" is used, the pickup measure on the first line is counted towards it. In bagpipe music notation, there are typically 4 measures per line not including any pickup measure at the start of a part. Setting "Fix Number of Measures/System" to 4 with a pickup measure should keep the pickup measure on the same line as the 4 measures that follow it. Perhaps the setting does not differentiate between full and irregular measures?

PS. If it helps, I can attach a sample (partial) score...Thanks.

UPDATE: I've found a workaround to get the behavior I need...If I don't use the style setting above (set it to the default 0) and simply insert line breaks where required, I get the layout I want. What is the intent of this style setting?


I think that style setting came about before there was a Breaks plugin that could automatically place breaks for you. At this point, the plugin is the much better way to accomplish this, and I think there has been talk of removing the style setting in future releases (although probably someone where relies on it).

You can of course also insert breaks manually, but if you have checked out the plugin, give it a shot. Select all but the pickup, then run the Plugins->Break Every X Measures and set it to 4. This method also allows you to have 4 measures per line for part of the score, but then more measures on certain lines, etc, just by selecting appropriate ranges before running the plugin.

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