Sometimes there are incorrect beats numbers in a measure = corrupted file

• Nov 27, 2016 - 22:14

Musescore has improved a lot but still has some dangerous bugs, on my last song i had a 4/4 measure but musescore only showed 3 beats into it, no matter what i do (even putting a 4/4 indication on THIS measure does not resolve the problem). If i copy paste the content on another measure, the bug is copied and the new measure is incorrect too.

When i save/load a file that has this problem, i have the message "file corrupted" appearing, but i can ignore to load the file.

I managed to get rid of the bug by deleting the mesure, creating a new one and rewriting it by hand.

I'm not sure how to reproduce it, i think it's related to copy/paste things. Should be a priority for the dev team, those sort of bugs are annoying if it leads to corrupted data


Indeed, fixing corruptions is a high priority. Since it sounds like you have used previous versions of MuseScore, it is possible the corruption was intrdocued earlier and the actual cause has been fixed by now - we fixed quite a few with every release. But if this was introduced in tthe current version (2.0.3), in order to investigate further we'd need not just the corrupted score but precise steps to reproduce the corruption.

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