Issues with cross-staff beams & slurs in imported 1.3 score
I found this great score on Sadly it doesn't open in R5286. We get a crash.
Attachment | Size |
Adagio__Rondo_in_E_Major_-_D.506_Op.145.mscz | 128.09 KB |
14784.png | 67.5 KB |
Opens for me - is it OS specific?
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5286) - Mac 10.6.8.
It did crash during playback once - bar 16 (see crash log ).
Could be the fault of my MacBook (it was hot at the time).
Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5286) - Mac 10.6.8.
No issues with it here either, and no complaints in the debug log. Now, as for the condition of the score upon import... there's much work to do for 1.1 import support.
Win7 32bit R5286.
Windows XP R5286 (which I compiled myself) and nightly build R5264 both crash. The score opens and then it crashes. See picture taken this time with nightly build.
I'm using musescore 1.1 (stable) on win XP SP3. I can open the mentioned score without problems. But I have also a crash with embedded pictures. When creating a single voice (Einzelstimme) from a score with an embedde picture the single voice contains the V-Box for the picture. But it shows empty.
When I immediatedly try to save this single voice I get
-an empty file
-an error message that the picture can not be found
- a crash of musescore 1.1 the next action
When I try to remove the V-Box before a subsequent action crashes Musescore.
When I remove the V-Box and the picture in the score creating of the single voice is without problems.
It crashes in trunk (and apparently not in 1.1, mind anyone to check with branch 1.2?)
Crash -> critical
Manfred: your problem might be a different one, please open a new issue and attach the score that causes the crash and/or detaild steps how to reproduce, so it can get fixed before 1.2 gets released.
Branch 1.2: opening fine.
Trunk: opening without crash now, but the picture doesn't show.
As Schepers stated:
"Now, as for the condition of the score upon import... there's much work to do for 1.1 import support."
Here a list:
- Staccato dots in the wrong spot (bar 38)
- triplet brackets not in the right spot (bar 15)
- footer text not in the right spot
- note symbols missing from all tempo text
- bad stems and beams (bar 152)
- endless stems (bar 293)
- "suboptimal" slurs (bars 68-70)
So I guess we leave this open as a reference.
I don't see a crash, I do see an image, and most of the the import issues are fixed. The issue with slurs and beams on cross staff notes (bars 68-70 and 152 ) remains, as does the strange beam in 293.