Transferring files between computers

• Feb 13, 2012 - 07:28
S5 - Suggestion

1. MuseScore is installed on two computers.

2. Music score composed on one (Windows Vista) and saved in Documents.

3. The file is copied from Documents to a memory stick.

4. The file is transferred from the memory stick to Documents on other computer (Windows xp)

5. Click on File and Open and the transferred file is NOT listed in Documents.

6. Request that the feature to be able to transfer files between computers is added to MuseScore


Yes, I am absolutely sure.

When I click on File and Open in my Vista computer, it opens the 'Documents' folder and there is my composed music - with .mscz at the end.

I then go to my xp computer and when I click on File and Open I get the 'My Documents' folder.

I paste the .mscz file into it, but it is not shown.

Could it be that the Vista saved .mscz file is not compatible with the xp .mscz ?

Note that the Vista has 'Documents' and xp has 'My Documents'

I spent ages writing the score - placing every note where I wanted it to be, and afterwards read the instructions and see that I could have placed it using the keyboard.

Another problem is that have connected my new Yamaha keyboard (cost me nearly £700) to the computer (MIDI) along with drivers, and it is NOT recognised by MuseScore.

Please get back to me.

>then go to my xp computer and when I click on File and Open I get the 'My Documents' folder.
>I paste the .mscz file into it, but it is not shown.

You need to do do it the other way round, the file selectors does not refresh if the content got changed under it.
And ist does work, I'm sure, as I'm using it a lot (between a WinXP and Win7 machine)

Reg. Midi keyboard: have you watched Katie's tutorial?

I solved the problem.

I uploaded the composition and then lownloaded it on to the other computer.

Now I can print it off (my laser printer software is xp only and would not load onto the Vista o/s on my laptop computer)