The ledger lines problem

• Dec 6, 2016 - 23:51

Hi everyone !

Here is a thread about some ledger lines, that should not be where they are (I think).

To sum up, I'm encounting some difficulties erasing some ledger lines that appears under the middle line when writing 3 lines drum scores, just over the kick drum note head (there are two of it, each time, and they're part of the note heads).

I already posted a request about it and some other stuffs in march 2016 and was talled to post a new thread about this particular problem, joining a score (yes, it took me that long, sorry again).

Also, I find weird that the stem size vary that much when changing the note values see by yourself : I manually corrected the first measure, and left the second one "as is". Tweaking the stems lenght values ("shorten stems box", "progression" and "shortest stem") in the edit style / general / notes panel doesn't seem to do anything but changing the 1/4 note stems lenght (+ or-), but the other notes stems can only be extended.

If some one knows what to do, I 'm all ears !

Thanks !

Attachment Size
Ledger lines-stems.mscz 9.86 KB


Yeah, this looks like it was created using a custom instrument / drumset combination that won't work well. Did you do this yourself in MuseScore 2, or was it imported from some other source?

MuseScore 3 will address some of the issues that can exist with these sorts of drumset definitions - the combination of larger than standard line spacing and fewer than standard number of lines isn't always handled so well int he current version. But it's definitely possible to improve on what you have here. Simply changing back tot he standard line spacing fixes a lot of the issues, although you'd then have to change line assignments in the drumset definition. Is there a reaosn you are using this heavily customized drumset definition rather than the standard one, which should work well out of the box?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Woops, I was answering in the wrong thread.
So here's what was sayed over there, just for everybody knows where we are :

"Posted by Marc Sabatella on December 6, 2016 - 11:32pm
In general, if you use the default drumset provided for each drum instrument in MuseScore 2, things *should* work pretty well. It's possible to get yourself into trouble if you've edited the drumset definition, or have imported the score from another source (including earlier versions of MuseScore), or created the score using a template created by someone else designed for an earlier version, etc.

Posted by Mscz on December 7, 2016 - 12:09am

Thanks, I've just posted a new thread with an attached file, in the bug reports section.

To be precise, I've edited the default drumset (I'll join the drumset file with this message), but the score was entirely created by me on my laptop with the latest version installed when I firstly talked about it, and a brand new drumset edition (march 2016, 2.0.2, I think).

I start new ones (drumset + score) right now and let you know as soon as possible.

Attachment Size
HGT 2Gc 4Tm 2Cr 1Sh.drm 2.45 KB

Posted by Mscz on December 7, 2016 - 12:15am new

Ok I have it, I used musescore default drumset, and since the kick drum note heads are higher in the staff, there's still one ledger line above the note heads.

Attachment Size
ledger_lines_test_2.mscz 6.33 KB"

With all files re-attached.

Attachment Size
HGT 2Gc 4Tm 2Cr 1Sh.drm 2.45 KB
ledger_lines_test_2.mscz 6.33 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

So, back to our discution :

I understand, but I really need this drumset customisation, because it's the one used in the drum methods I work with to teach, (and I find it far cleaner and readable than the standard ones).
Anyway, Maybe it will not be a problem anymore with musescore 3.

In reply to by Mscz

Seems to me it's worth considering whether or not the students will ever have to read standard drumset music, and if so whether any advantages in using a non-standard one in their early training will be lost as they have to re-learn things later. Anyhow, FWIW, here is how your example looks in 3.0 if I reset your stem length adjustments - is this what you were trying to achieve?


I'm thinking there should be ledger lines on the notes above the staff, since their line is set to -2.

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