Voice 2 rest superimposed on voice 1 half notes

• Dec 13, 2016 - 16:43

Seasons Greetings!

How do I input the half rest for the second voice so that it is not superimposed on the half notes for
voice 1? Please see attached.

Thank you!

Attachment Size
Voices.mscz 5.24 KB


If you have a good reason to arrange the notes this way then fine but have you tried it with the stem of Voice1 going up and the stems of Voice2 going down? The half-note rest now sits above the note and looks even clearer if you move it up one space (click and press up-arrow once).


In reply to by underquark

Easier still if you know what notes are going into the measure in advance is to put the higher notes in voice 1 and lower notes in voice 2. The stems and rest will automatically look like underquark's example. If you put them in backwards you can exchange them by selecting the entire measures and using Edit->Voices->Exchange voice 1-2 from the menu. Using it on partial measures causes unexpected results at times.

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