Collapsible sections in Inspector
See discussion at #118086: Eliminate most "Properties" dialogs in favor of Inspector for MuseScore 3.
MuseScore's Inspector is not a unique design; Sibelius 8.5's new Inspector and LibreOffice's Properties, for example are exactly the same thing. Other programs also have similar side panels with different parameters available depending on what is selected.
All of them, like MuseScore's Inspector, also group these controls under sections. But all of them except MuseScore allow each section of their Inspector to be collapsed, like MuseScore's Palettes.
An example (LibreOffice):
A mockup of what it might look like in MuseScore:
This is necessary because the full-size Inspector may not fit on some screens (including my own) depending on what is selected (a note, for example)—and this will become even more true as the Inspector is more fully utilized, if (for example) the Text Properties dialog is removed and its contents made available in the Inspector.
I have this, for Accidental only for now. What do you think?
Cool. Wonder what it does to the width and scroll bars
Is the clickable area limited to the arrow? If so, any chance it can be expanded to include the section header text as well?
The clickable area is the full width. Width doesn't change when scrollbar appears.
I have all inspector panel collapsible now, except for the ones with a single section. By default, they are all open. And every time the selection changes, they are open again. I'm not sure what would be the expected behavior here.
Select a rest, close Element panel, then
1. Select a note, would you expect Element to be open or not?
2 .Select a rest again, would you expect Element to be open or not?
I think I would expect it to be not open in both cases.
For that matter, I would also expect palettes to stay open or closed when switching workspaces, if the same palette exists in both workspaces. But it's not really important.
Fixed in branch master, commit 4fc5d473a2
fix #151251: Collapsible sections in Inspector
Happy testing.
IHMO the distance between one section and the next is too big?
Other than that I like it
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
Wouldn't this be a usefull thing for 2.1 too?
See… — it looks different on different OSes at the moment.