Repeats within repeats

• Dec 17, 2016 - 16:54

I have a piece in which the first section is repeated, and the entire piece is also repeated; i.e. AABAAB. I have marked the repeats, but it plays back as AABAB. How do I get it to repeat the second time through when playing?


By convention, repeats are NOT taken on DS and DC.

You will have to write it out if it is for MIDI, or else note that repeats ARE taken if for real musicians.

Assuming you are using DS or DC, then indeed, the standard is to *not* take repeats, so that's what MuseScore does as well. You can add text to your DS/DC to tell juman musicians to ignore the standard and take repeats instead, but there is not currently a way to get MuseScore to do that.

If you mean you are literally using repeats within repeats, don't :-). That's just plain incorrect notation, and neither human musicians nor MuseScore are likely to understand your intent.

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