auto chord spefication ?

• Dec 24, 2016 - 03:50

Can I select a time slot (say with 3 notes) and have MuseScore fill in the chord name/symbol, eg, C?

I don't see anything like this in Handbook, but I thought I saw it a while ago.


In reply to by Shoichi

so "chordidentifier" seems like it is what I want, BUT

I just spent 20-30 minutes and cant figure out how to download a qml file.
Nothing in the plugin repository (that I can find) says anything about how/where to get a download of the file. Right or left clicking does not do anything useful.

And the "read me" is all about where to place it on your PC AFTER you get it.
And if I save the "target", all I get is a bunch of html with an html extension.

It's gotta be so obvious, but........

In reply to by Shoichi

sorry again Schoichi, the links do not help at all.

My Q was NOT "how to install"

My Q was "how to download".

1) if you go to plugin repository and look at first item, ABC import
2) click on that page, you will see a BIG "DOWNLOAD" button
3) there is no such thingy on the page
4) the page in #3 suggests you mossy over to
where you find 8 or so files, 2 or 3 qml's
5) but again no idea as to which or what you want, nor any clear down load

I just re-visited chordidentifier pagae again, and the IS a zip file as an attachment.
It would sure help if the authoer put in BOLD right abvove the zip "DOWNLOAD THIS ATTACHED ZIP"

What a pain, I've probably spent 2 hrs on this (really).

In reply to by Shoichi

I did, thank you for asking, HH back to you.

My prob was that several other plugins had DOWNLOAD HERE buttons/text on their web pages.

Chordify does not. It simply has an attached file. It would be nice if LARGE TEXT was right above the zip attachment. I eM'd the author, but never heard back.

Is that within the realm of wiki editing that I can do?

HH again.

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