Horizontal Note Shift

• Dec 28, 2016 - 20:23

I've noticed that there isn't actually a way of moving notes horizontally so rests can be put in between them. For example, if I forgot to add a rest in between a section of notes, wouldn't it be easier to simply move the notes rather than having to delete everything and rewrite the section? It's just really frustration and I'm sure it's a problem everyone's faced. If there is a way, I'd be so grateful for anyone to tell me about it!

Anyways, thanks for reading. If something could be done, that'd be awesome.



You don't have to rewrite everything.

Moving things horizontally is possible (see, for example, the Inspector), but isn't what you want. That would affect the *appearance* of the notes only, not their position in time, and it would force you to figure out the spacing and it would be wrong the next time you edit the score in any way.

So you don't want to move the notes horizontally - you want to move them *in time*. That is, move a note from beat two to beat three. That will have the effect of moving it horizotnally also but more importantly, it will keep the timing and the spacing right.

So, select the note or notes you want to move later in time, Ctrl+X to cut, click where you want it to be instead, Ctrl+V to paste.

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