View playback cursor position when not in playback mode?

• Jan 6, 2017 - 14:11

How can I view the playback cursor position when playback is not taking place?

Sorry if this is obvious - I'm new to MS and despite searching the handbook / online help haven't found an answer.

Right now I can only work out where the cursor is by restarting playback, by which time it may have gone past the bar I want to listen to.

Thank you.


In reply to by Recorder485

Yes, I am looking for the last one played, not the initial starting position.

From the responses so far, I'm guessing that's not available?

If so, I think it would be worth stating this explicitly in the handbook, to avoid confusion when moving from notation programs such as Sibelius where the playback cursor *is* displayed even when not playing. Even better would be an option to display it!

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