How do I shorten or adjust the distance between notes

• Mar 19, 2012 - 07:10

More frustrations. How do I shorten or adjust the distance between notes, and make them the way I want. Right now it automatically puts more space between 16th notes than between 8th notes. I think that's hard for a musician to read.

By the way the other day this forum automatically made titles from first lines. That was good. Today the forum is requiring me to specify a title. Not so good.

everything about this program is unpredictable and unstable.


double click on the note head and use the arrow keys (or shift arroy, or ctrl arrow) to nudge it to where you want it to be. Hit Esc and the stem will follow.

I believe this is indeed not (yet) desribed in the handbook, at least not to the detail needed. But see Edit Mode

BTW, MuseScore does not normally put more space between sixteenths than eighths - quite the oppsotie. the standard rules of music typesettng call for eighths to take more room than sixteenths, and that is exactly what MuseScore does by default. It would only allocate more room for sixteenths if there is a specific reason it *needs* to do so - for example, to make room for accidentals between the sixteenths,, to make room for lyrics, to make room for notes in another voice or staff, or if the measure containing the sixteenth is being stretched to fill the lone or in response to your changing the stretch setting for that measure. In all of these case, you woildn't *want* to override the default spacing. If you have a specific example of a passage where you think sixteenths are getting too much space by default, it would help if you posted it. Most likely, it will turn out there is a valid reason why the sixteenths are getting the extra space.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

except, that it does not happen. Musescore puts outs the different durations on the score quite randomly. There was more space between 16th than 8th notes. And just as much space for half as quarter notes. I find I need to move around notes and/or adjust measure length in every measure that I write. Valid reason or not. It is cumbersome.

In reply to by eameece

Again, no, MuseScore does*not* space sixteenths wider than eights unless necessary. I have done literally hundreds of scores and have never once seen it do anything like what you describe. So while it is possible you have run into some extremely rare bug, more lilely it is a simple misunderstanding on your part as to what is going on. Either way, posting the example would be necessary for us to help.

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