Composure Help

• Mar 26, 2012 - 12:57

Need some help with musescore composures, I need to write out the piano/keyboard section:


Boats/Chords used:

Bar 1 - Chord I - boat - not sure :(
Bar 2 - Chord V - Boat GBD
Bar 3 - Chord vi - Boat ACE
Bar 4 - Chord IV - Boat FAC
Bar 5 - Chord V - Boat GBD
Bar 6 - Chord vi - Boat ACE
Bar 7 - Chord V - Boat GBD
Bar 8 - Chord IV - Boat FAC
Bar 9 - Chord V - Boat GBD
Bar 10 - Chord IV - Boat FAC
Bar 11 - Chord I - notes --?

I desperately need this by tomorrow, (9 hours). Any and all help is appreciated. Yeah, i'm terrible at music, I just didn't wanna do ITD :).
Thanks in advance :)


In reply to by Ifailatmusic

What have boats got to do with it?

Incidentally it would be more helpful to attach the score directly than make us go offsite to an image server which trieds to install god-knows-what-but-is-probably-spyware on your machine.

So do I gather you need help with basic theory - where the notes go on the music lines etc?

Yeah. Just for the piano part, the rest i've got down.. Aand i have no idea what boats have to do with it.. Guessing just the chords are needed :s.. Soz, im bad at this xD.

So yh I just need to know where they go for the piano section, I know everything else.

And it's not spyware ;P. Just images from paint

In reply to by Ifailatmusic

I am not sure what you mean by "the rest" that you have down; all I see is a melody and some notation of the chords. writing he piano part from that *is* the hard part. Well, it's not hard, exactly, but it's definitely the most work. Maybe you would be better off just giving your pianist a lead sheet with melody and chord symbols so he can create his own piano part?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I meant that i've done everything but the piano bit.
We need it for Music to write our own composure, and let's just say im not too gifted in music.
I just need to know where the notes go from each chord.

@Church, thank you very much :).
I followed the link.
Would this be the correct thing i'd need to know for the placements of the notes in the chords? I'd just like to make sure.

In reply to by Ifailatmusic

OK I've written out your piece (attached) and started off the left hand of the piano part for you to finish off.

You need to complete the left hand and then put the triads from the screenshot you gave into the right hand.

This won't be by any means a proper piano part but it will give a starting point for you and your teachers to work on.

If you're stuck ask your teacher(s) for help, or, as a last resort come back here.


Attachment Size
BoatProject.mscz 2.64 KB

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