Blank measures or slash marks

• Mar 26, 2012 - 21:11


I have MuseScore 1.2. I have looked at several tutorial videos and browsed the handbook; I still do not know how to create a BLANK measure. Right now, I just have a whole note rest which I've dragged off the screen. I need to create blank measures, or, ideally, measures with slash marks (used to signify improvisation, commonly on jazz charts).

Is there also any way to have a 4/4 measure containing only 3 quarter note values (i.e. the measure is incomplete)?

Thank you


You can't delete the deault rests, but you can hide them just right click and hit "set invisible". You should be able to that for as many rests at once as you like.

Slash Nntation can be created easily using a plugin - see the Plugins limk at right of this page. Also see my tutorials on creating lead sheets, as they contain quite a bit of useful information on creating jazz charts - It's a two part tutorial; the info on the slash plugin is in part two. But chances are there will be things in part 1 you'll want to see, too.

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