what is happening

• Mar 30, 2012 - 21:40

i tried to copy the bar starting with a "d" to the next bar...
before pasting: pic1
after pasting: pic2
"add less strech" did not work on this score either is it broken in any way?

Attachment Size
1.png 154.42 KB
2.png 139.9 KB


Hard to tell from just a picture - seeing the actual score would help. Could be a corrupt measure, or it could be a really wacky "stretch" setting, or maybe a frame that is squeezing the system too much.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I notice Measure properties never shows a stretch value less than 0.90 (ever; not just this score), no matter how much I reduce the stretch. I assume that is a bug in itself? And it appears this score is *not* actually corrupt, but the actual stretch value of the measure is just way too tiny (perhaps negative?), even though it doesn't report as such in Measure Properties?

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