Coloring one note of a chord -- ALSO: Using a bracket to label the interval of a chord

• Apr 11, 2012 - 14:22


I'd like to know if it's possible to color a single note in a chord. If I use the plug in for coloring notes, all the notes are colored, according to their pitches. When I go to "display" and click on "palette," I get a selection of everything from shapes of notes to articulations, but no palettes. Nor is the instruction book helpful in this instance.

Also, I'd like to know if it's possible to employ a (very tiny) bracket between two notes of given chord. I would then label the interval according to it's size.

Thanks very much.


To color a note, right click on it -> color

For the bracket, select one note of the chord and double click the bracket in the Glissando palette. To add a text, select a note and Ctrl + T. Once the text is ok , you can drag and drop it to the right place.

Attachment Size
colorBracket.mscz 1.53 KB

I'm working in Musescore2 and am trying to color individual notes manually. When I right click on the note, as mentioned above, there is no "color" option. How can I manually change the color of the noteheads?

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