Double semi-breve

• Apr 12, 2012 - 22:49

Can anyone suggest a suitable method for showing a doubled semi-breve (almost like an '8' on its side.
In church music (particularly Anglican chant) it is common to show two voices (Soprano/Alto or Tenor/Bass) on a single stave. When both are on the same note for a minim it is clear that both notes display as the stems go in both directions. When the 'shared' note is a semi-breve inputting voice 2 merges the two notes, and it is not always obvious whether a note has been omitted. Showing the doubled semibreve makes this clear.
Any help gratefully accepted.



In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Works OK for me in Version 1.1, ubuntu 10.04 using two voices. In case that still isn't working for you, try creating one semi-brieve and then [Shift]-D (or whatever) to create another, different note above or below the first. Double-click the note, shift it sideways, click somewhere else to de-select the shifting, then use the up and down arrows to change the pitch to the same as the first one. Note that if you subsequently change one of the notes that it de-shifts back to default position and you will have to repeat the shifting.

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