Problems with musecsore adding extra notes per measure (triplet related?)
Trying to notate basic jazz drumset patterns. musescore has added notes and bar lines. cannot edit. maybe the form became offset because of triplet notation? Please help. My only solution at this point is to start over. thanks.
Attachment | Size |
Jazz Introduction.mscz | 3.95 KB |
Looks OK to me.
Have you tried restarting MuseScore and reloading?
In reply to Looks OK to me. Have you by ChurchOrganist
I have restarted Musescore. The problem is that it musescore is inserting extra bar lines. The notes at the end of the bar end up being in the next bar.
In reply to same problem by NDP79
I,m not understanding. I see exactly four beats in each measure, exactly two bars on each line. re you saying that,s not what you entered? Can you describe more specific what you are doing - the exact steps, and what you are expecting to see, and what you are seeing instead?
In reply to I,m not understanding. I see by Marc Sabatella
Version 1.2
ubuntu 10.04
The file has triplet quavers overlapping to the next bar and the barline appers to have been moved backwards (to the left) . Playback is not smooth - plays one bar, about 3/4 of teh next bar then skips back a few beats and continues. It's as if the music has been written on a ribbon and that ribbon folded back on itself every couple of bars.
BUT - save it as a MusicXML file and then open that file and it looks and plays back fine.
In reply to I see a problem, too by underquark
Weird. With 1.2 on windows vista, I am unable to see or hear anything unusual. Is there a specific measure you see a problem? Other than playback, is there anything you can do to actually demonstrate a problem exists? Eg, often when corruption exists in a measure, selecting that measure and hitting delete results in notes being delete from the next measure as well. But I couldn't get that to happen with this score. Similarly, cursoring through the notes one at a time didn't showing any problems.
Edited problem areas manually. Thanks for you help.
Here's a file with an extra note in measure 7. I've tried converting to xml and then back but this didn't fix the problem. Any ideas how to get rid of the extra 1/16th note?
In reply to extra note problem by brian.swanson.587
That measure was corrupted. I created a new measure befor it (Ins), copied the notes across, this resulted in the half note too become a double dotted quarter note, so I changed it back to a half, and then deleted (Ctrl-Del) the corrupt measure