Linked Parts contradiction with upcoming feature

• May 3, 2012 - 20:24

In the Linked Parts section of the Roadmap , it says 'Feature missing: Ability to choose elements that will not be synchronised'.

Won't straying from the original contradict the point of Linked Parts?


No, it's vitally necessary that some changes would apply only to the part and not the score or vice versa. The most important / most obvious example is lone breaks, which need to be per-part, since different parts will have different numbers of notes than each other. A part playing just whole notes might be able to fit 10 measures on a line; another part might have sixteenths and only fit three. The score might be in a smaller font and laid out horizontally and might manage six measure per line. This also point out the need for page format settings to be different for score versus parts, although I believe that is at least partially implemented already?

Aside from line breaks and page format settings, consider also markings that appear above or below a staff. You might have a dynamic marking pn a staff that works fine in its default position in the part, but collides with a note in another staff in the score, so you'd want to be able to manually position the marking in the score without ,essing up the nice default in the part.

Without this ability, linked parts would be next to useless, as there would be no way to control the formatting of the parts without messing up the formatting of the score or other parts.

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