Stem: make "reset to default (Ctrl+R)" undoable

• May 4, 2012 - 20:20

There was a change today: 'Stem: make "reset to default (Ctrl+R)" undoable'.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea?


In reply to by chen lung

I would assume it is like all reset to defaults - you have explicitly modified a stem (flipping or changing length, presumably), then you accidentally hit Ctrl-R which erases your explicit modifications, setting the stem back to the default directipn and length. So now you want to undo that accidental change. I can't imagine why this operation shouldn't be undoable. In fact, I can'tt see amy reaosn why *any* operation that changes the score shouldn't be undoable. Anything you do that changes the score in any way should be undoable. i'd have thought you operated on that same principle.

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