There is a problem in Notename plugin

• Jan 22, 2017 - 16:46

MuseScore is really good software.

I think I have found a bug in notename plugin today.

I think it is because of a language translation in Korean.

In the score the note is "Bb", but MuseScore shows "B".

I modified notenames.qml and it works well.

- c:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2\plugins\notenames.qml
* line 48 :
case 12: text.text = qsTranslate("InspectorAmbitus", "B♭") + text.text; break;
case 12: text.text = "B♭" + text.text; break;

I love MuseScore.

Thank you very much.

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main.jpg 72.26 KB


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