Is this file recoverable?

• Jan 22, 2017 - 17:36

I made a very uninformed forum post the other day about an Unreadable File. That was just me being neglegent and not saving frequently as well as keeping MuseScore open for days on-end without closing it. But now, I've started on a new piece, rougly 5 days ago. It has become unreadable.

I have the file here which isn't 0 KB, so perhaps its recoverable. It's not a HUGE loss from the last time I saved, it would just be a time-saver to be able to get the file back to its last-saved state.

The newest folder I can open as of this moment is 6 KB smaller than the attached file.

Attachment Size
Above_the_Clouds.mscz 108.56 KB


Odd that this file *appears* to have content, but if I open it with a ZIP program on my computer, I don't see it. Do you have any idea what happened to this file? I don't suppose you had it open in a ZIP program while editing it in MuseScore simultaneously? Or was there a crash? And were you using 2.0.3?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Well, it's beyond repair by you or I, since we don't see an MSCX file in that ZIP archive :-). But I do note an error message from my ZIp program about data past of the end of record or some such. And the file size *is* big enough that i can easily believe the MSCX file *is* in there but not accounted for properly in the file header. So perhaps some ZIP guru could manage to extra it. And in the process, give us some insight into what may have gone wrong, in this and the handful of other cases where the SCX appears to have gone missing. I have to imagine it will turn out to be a Qt bug, but perhaps one we can learn to work around once we understand better what is happening.

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