PDF in 3/8 produced mscz file in 2/4

• Jan 27, 2017 - 03:49

An uploaded clear PDF image in 3/8 time returned in the downloaded .mscz file in 2/4 time. All of the notation is correct except for the fact that each bar now contains a quaver rest. Is there a way for me to rectify this problem rather than bypassing the PDF conversion and entering the music in note by note?

Bach JS - Two part Invention 4 Solo.pdf



In reply to by Ziya Mete Demircan

The piece is actually supposed to be in 3/8 time. Changing it to 2/4 does not fix anything and completely changes the character of the piece (i.e. disrupts the 'flow').
I have rechecked my original PDF and it is clear but when I upload it and then download the mscz file the extra quaver rests and time signature alterations appear. Is there something in the file translation procedure which I am missing here. It appeared to be pretty straight forward.

In reply to by Tooter

This was my first attempt at a PDF to mscz file conversion. I was anticipating being able to use this to speed up my lead sheet adjustments so that I could spend more time performing instead of entering notes into my computer by keystroke. If there is no solution I will have to resort to the (much) slower method.

Thanks for your responses.

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