Time Signature: Set Invisible, Appears twice or more!

• May 26, 2012 - 16:51

I am writing a rhythm exercise in which the time signature changes every line. I don't need a courtesy time change to appear at the end of the previous line, but it does this automatically. Before I was just setting it as invisible, but now it's started adding a new, not invisible one, every time I set the existing one as invisible. In one line, for instance, there are now four 4/4 time symbols in a row at the end of one line indicating that the next line will be 4/4. Whenever I delete one of them, it changes the following line to 3/4 (which is was the previous line was).

I'm attaching a screenshot so you can see what I mean. How do I get it to stop doing this?? Please help!!

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2012-05-26 at 11.50.43 AM.png 320.72 KB


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Thanks... I actually found out about that a little while ago and tried it. It did take away some of them, but others are still there. The biggest problem also seems to be going from 3/4 to 4/4 (it happens twice in this score so far - see the end of number 14). I don't know why that operates so differently... maybe it's a bug? See screenshot post-unchecking of "create courtesy time signatures." Some are still there... any idea how to get rid of them? Are they something besides courtesy time signatures? So confused!

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2012-05-26 at 1.57.08 PM.png 238.73 KB

In reply to by flutejes

Would be easier to tell from the actual score rather than just a picture of it. I take it you've tried deleting them? Sometimes, a whole bunch of successive addition and deletion of time signature can MuseScore I a confused state where he best best is to remove the offending measure completely (ctrl-del) and then one's a new measure there. Yu can try copying and pasting the contents so you don't have to reenter them, but that might copy over whatever the corruption (of in fact it turns out that is what this is).

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