Corruption de note lors du transfert vers Android/iPad ?
Bonjour, j'ai eu beau la re-uploader sur le site MuseScore, effacer de mon iPad et de ma Tablette Android 6.0.1 et ensuite re-télécharger dans les 2 Songbook.
La toute dernière note des Basses devient un Do au lieu d'un Sol ?!?
(Après une seconde tentative de tout effacer sur les tablettes, mettre à jour sur le Web à partir de MuseScore 2.0.3, puis re-télécharger de noouveau, celle sur Android s'est replacée, mais sur iPad, il y a encore cette fausse note)
Voici la partition en question :
Attachment | Size |
Tenaouiche, Tenaga, Ouich'ka!(WEB).mscz | 24.86 KB |
Google translate:
Hello, I had the re-uploader on the site MuseScore, erase my iPad and my Android Tablet 6.0.1 and then re-download in the 2 Songbook.
The last note of the Basses becomes a C (Do) instead of a G (Sol)?!?
(After a second attempt to erase everything on the tablets, update to the web from MuseScore 2.0.3, then re-download new, the one on Android has relocated, but on iPad, there is still this false note)
Here is the partition in question:
There are Forums in French (e.g., while this here ( is in English, so I'll reply in English.
Problems with the MuseScore apps for iOS and Android, as well as problems with the site are better reported to
However, I don't see this particular Problem, ei neihter see a Do or C at the end of the basses nor a G or Sol, I see a G# and I see this in MuseScore itselt, on and in the Android app, so this seems pretty consistent.
Edit: I see you started a thread in the French forum too,
In reply to Google translate: Hello, I by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes thank you for your quick reply. As I said (in French) The issue remains when I download it to SongBook on the iPad. After a 2th upload, it disappeared with Android?!? I'm quite puzzled and find this annoying.
I had no reply in French so...
See if you can replicate this with an iOS device?
In reply to Yes thank you for your quick by [DELETED] 14258366
I would it you'd donate a iPad to me ;-)
In reply to I would it you'd donate a by Jojo-Schmitz
Sorry, I have to have one 'cause I work in IT and currently helping my choir members... I will tell you if I one to spare... ;-)