Great improvement in writing unmetrical music

• May 29, 2012 - 13:50

Just arranged the plainsong gradual for Corpus Christi in R5663

The split measure function makes writing unmetrical stuff like this much much easier.

I'm happy to report that everything went without a hitch :)

It would be good to be able to write without a time signature at all, however, albeit a hidden one.

What would you guys think about an option in General Style to switch off Time Signature display completely?

What would also make life a lot easier is to have Split Measure on the right click context menu - am considering opening an official feature request for this.


Yes, agreed, an option to completely suppress time signature display woild be nice - presumably it wouldbe a general style option along with the options to control courtesy signatures and so forth.

A no-time sig. option is already there:

1) Right-click the staff and choose "Staff Properties"
2) Click the [Edit] button near the staff types drop list
3) in the dlg, un-check "Show Time sig." for the staff type(s) you are using

time signatures will disappear.

Note that this allows for staves WITH and staves WITHOUT time signatures in the same score (create a second pitched staff type and set one type with and the other type without time sigs), when a General Style option would affect ALL staves (and probably also percussion and tabulature staves...!)


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