Cannot Place Time Signature

• Feb 4, 2017 - 17:45

I have the score written in 2/2(6/4) and the bass clarinet is currently playing in 6/4 but I need to change the local time signature to 2/2 with so it will be with the rest of the score, but every time I try to place the time signature it says Cannot Place Local Time Signature: Measure is not empty (even though it clearly is.)


Update: I can place every other time signature except the one that I need which is 2/2. It is a custom time signature, is that why? How can I do this?

In reply to by kpszcz

If you added notes to the measure then deleted them MS does not see it as empty. The easiest way to fix it is to copy the other instruments in the same measure somewhere else. Ctrl-delete the measure then insert the measure. Paste the other instruments back and then finish the local time signature measure.

The measures have to be empty in *all* staves, from that point to the next time change or end of score.

If you think that is the case, please attach your score so we can see what you are seeing.

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