MIDI file made with musescore doesn't play.

• Jun 5, 2012 - 16:31

I saved a score as MIDI file, but the file won't play. The problem only occurs with this score, other MIDI files created with musescore wok well.
So heres the score: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7217441/Wild%20International%20%282%29.mscz
And here's the midi file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7217441/Wild%20International%20%282%29.mid

OS: Mac Os X Lion 10.4.7
MuseScore 1.2 Rev 5470


The MIDI file plays for me, using the tandard Quicktime MIDI player plugin for Safari on Windows Vista. What MIDI player were you trying to play it with?

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