bug on playback for repeats with volta(s)

• Feb 7, 2017 - 21:37

playbacks with voltas play wrong if there is more than 2 voltas. this error shows up starting with 3 voltas for the third repeat.

i have documented this. please see attached test file.

--i count each repeat from 1 to however many repeats i like
--measures are numbered like 0,1,2,3,4;
--end repeat barlines are placed at the end of each measure starting at measure1
--voltas with the same number as measures are placed on each measure starting with measure 1,
-- start repeat barline is placed at the start of measure 0
the playback should play the measures in this order:
repeat 1: 0,1
repeat 2: 0,2
repeat 3: 0,3
repeat 4: 0,4 and so on.

but what it does is playback measures in this order:
repeat 1: 0,1
repeat 2: 0,2
repeat 3: 0,2,3
repeat 4: 0,4
repeat 5: 0,3,5
repeat 6: 0,6
repeat 7: 0,4,7
repeat 8: 0,8
repeat 9: 0,5,9
repeat 10: 0,10
repeat 11: 0,6,11
repeat 12: 0,12
and so on.

there's obviously a failing at math here. the playbacks for even number repeats are fine, but for odd number repeats, the half(rounded up) is played first. and it's just gonna get more weird if the test wasn't so controlled.

i'm sure that i placed the correct values for repeat list in Volta Properties.

please fix.

Attachment Size
test1.mscz 7.71 KB


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