Deleting title frame reverts deleted bars
1. My First Score
2. Delete most of the bars (i.e. all but 3)
3. Click on title vertical frame and press delete
Result: All deleted bars are now back.
4. Now, delete any bar
Result: Crash.
ba6d304, Window 10 x64
This issue occurs on last 19 January, with e8621b8
stack trace:
1 Ms::SegmentList::first segmentlist.h 40 0xdcf840
2 Ms::Measure::first measure.h 149 0xdd7c2c
3 Ms::Score::undoRemoveMeasures undo.cpp 2835 0x73d7da
4 Ms::Score::deleteMeasures edit.cpp 1831 0x7a850e
5 Ms::Score::localTimeDelete edit.cpp 2862 0x7ad79e
6 Ms::Score::cmdTimeDelete cmd.cpp 2987 0x78e39a
7 Ms::Score::::operator()(void) const cmd.cpp 3260 0x78f69d
8 std::_Function_handler>::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &) functional 2039 0x7984e7
9 std::function::operator()() const functional 2439 0xe13892
10 Ms::Score::cmd cmd.cpp 3278 0x7909aa
11 Ms::ScoreView::cmd scoreview.cpp 3263 0x414535
12 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 4985 0x49edb4
13 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 4535 0x49ca18
14 Ms::MuseScore::qt_static_metacall moc_musescore_IKSZSQWDH4YDZS.cpp 733 0x682e30
15 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv 0x68a08942
16 Ms::ScoreTab::actionTriggered moc_scoretab_QR4BWIRYNXAVBM.cpp 193 0x689123
17 Ms::ScoreTab::qt_static_metacall moc_scoretab_QR4BWIRYNXAVBM.cpp 95 0x688df5
18 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv 0x68a08942
19 ZN12QActionGroup7hoveredEP7QAction 0x61dc5295
20 ?? 0x24b6d980
should be fixed in master
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.