Multi-Measure Help

• Feb 22, 2017 - 01:55

I only want a set of of rest measures to be a multi-measure, but when I click "M", it makes all resting measures a multi-measure. As you can see in the picture, there is 2 sets of multi-measures. I only want the set of 4 measures to be the only multi-measure, not the set of 7 rest measures. How do I accomplish this.
Jacob Matthews

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multi-measure.png 167.26 KB


Right click each measure, select measure properties and check "Break multi measure rest." You may be able to just do this in measures 2,4, & 6 but I haven't tested this. You have to start in the second measure and do the rest of them.

Why wouldn't you want the last set to be a multimeasure rest? if it's just because you still need to enter notes, the answer is simpler - don't try enabling multimeasure rests until you are done entering notes. Or temporarily turn them off as needed.

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