Modify BPM input suggestion

• Aug 5, 2012 - 10:47

I would like to suggest that the Tempo setting be removed from the play panel, or changed so that it is a "type in" option, rather than using the slider to adjust the tempo. I often have to slide the bar near the tempo I want, then fine tune it with the arrow keys (it goes in increments of 6). I believe that it would be much easier if the tempo could be changed by typing it in rather than sliding it with an odd interval.


The play panel is not intended to be used to change the basic tempo of your piece. That's what Tempo Text is for. See Tempo , althouh it isn't as clear on the difference as it should be. The tempo texts control the actual tempo, including if you want it to change tempo over the course of the piece. The play panel is more of a temporary scaling factor, like if you want to hear your piece played back slower than the actual tempo, such as for practice purposes. That's why the units are given in percentages.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I realize that playback features are not a high priority item.

But for me a more fine grained method for controlling tempo during playback would be useful. If you want to adjust tempo during playback, you can't change the Tempo Text. And using the slider is tricky; a slip of the mouse can mess up playback badly in a live situation. Once the keyboard focus is on the tempo slider, an up arrow/down arrow adjusts tempo in too large a bite.

Disclaimer: No offense, I also realize I am using the software for a different purpose that Marc would suggest. I am not interested in a discussion of how I should be doing things completely differently.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I realize that playback features are not a high priority item.

But for me a more fine grained method for controlling tempo during playback would be useful. If you want to adjust tempo during playback, you can't change the Tempo Text. And using the slider is tricky; a slip of the mouse can mess up playback badly in a live situation. Once the keyboard focus is on the tempo slider, an up arrow/down arrow adjusts tempo in too large a bite.

Disclaimer: No offense intended; I also realize I am using the software for a different purpose that Marc would suggest. I am not interested in a discussion of how I should be doing things completely differently.

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