Multiple braces

• Feb 22, 2017 - 16:03

Professional scores have multiple braces and in order to use them, it must be possible to move braces horizontally, individually! How is it possible to do it? Is there a way or it is just a missing feature? That would be a pity because if I want to have professional scores I should put them "by hand" on each page with some "illustrator" like program!


The brackets palette has a variety of brackets on it that are passed on to each system on each page.

The templates often have a default bracket scheme on them that usually need to be altered when you add instruments. Here's an example. If you add a piccolo to the standard orchestra score, you must unfortunately, remove the bold [ bracket, reinsert in onto the piccolo and then double click to expand it down to once again cover all the woodwinds. Unfortunately brackets can only expand down.

If you are working from scratch, you need only put the brackets in at the beginning of the score and they will be passed to the remaining pages.

The brackets cannot be moved horizontally once they are in place, but the order can be changed by the order you put the brackets on. Notice the different order of the brackets in the following and how they are passed on to other systems.

Attachment Size
brackets.mscz 19.43 KB

You can add as many braces as you like, from the palette. And the layout should take of itself - no need to fuss with manual positioning. If you are having some sort of problem using braces, please attach your score and describe in more detail what you are trying to do.

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