Repeat/Volta Issues

• Feb 26, 2017 - 02:04

Whenever I try to play the song it skips bar 31 entirely, and the repeat on bars 32-33 doesn't work.
The play repeats button is on, and repeat count is set to 2 in measure properties.
Have I found a bug or am I just dumb?

Attachment Size
The Duck Song.mscz 21.16 KB


Given the limited choices....I'll just say this isn't a bug.

You are not using the voltas the way they are intended and MS has mapped it the best it can figure out what you intend. Voltas are used to select which measures are played on either side of a repeat barline, which does not exist, you have instead used a DS. If you change the DS to an end repeat bar and the segno to a start repeat everything would work as you intend.

The reason the repeat at the end of measure 33 does not work is that it is normal to ignore repeats on the DC or DS section of music. MS sees these measures as part of the DS section, so the repeat is skipped.

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