Landscape view does not print ok

• Mar 1, 2017 - 14:48


I want landscape view sometimes, and set it up in MuseScore but also on the printer (otherwise it prints upright). The document looks ok, but when I print, the work is much smaller than in normal view. Like one has zoomed out. It is in landscape view on the paper, but not wider than normal, just smaller.

If I change margins, nothing gets better (usually just worse in different ways).

I have tried on two different comupters, and two printers, but it never works.

How do one set a work to landscape view so that it prints all the way to the papers margins, and does not make the whole thing smaller to fit to upright view margins?

Strange thing is that it really looks just normal in the program - landscape just as I want it. One can never guess it will print this crazy.

I thougth it was the printer, but the new one (had 10 years old HP, bought Brother, so not "almost the same" or so) did not make a difference.


In order to help better, we would need you to attach the actual score you are having trouble with. MuseScore does not by itself shrink scores to fit - it uses the page size, staff size, and margin size specified in Layout / Page Settings. So if those settings are correct and it is coming out different for you, then probably it is something in your printer settings. Best way to know for sure is to let someone else look at your score and see if it prints correctly for them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have tried several different scores since the beginning with this program, no one is printed ok. I attache the latest one plus a photo of what came out from the printer (on an A4 paper).

The actual print has shrunk so it would fit an upright paper. It is both cut in the right as you can se, and made much smaller than if I would print the same score with upright view.

In reply to by Nummerskivan

I had to print this to a PDF a few times before I got the right settings. I had to tell "Microsoft Print to PDF" that it would be landscape and that it would be on A4 paper, all attempts before that were similar to your results. I had to click the preferences button from the print dialog for landscape and advanced from the preferences dialog to set the paper size.

I'm not sure exactly what you are using since you are in Europe, but something like that should be available on your system.

In reply to by Nummerskivan

I don't have a printer connected to my computer so I print to PDF and print on another computer from that. My problem is expected. I don't use A4 paper here in the US and most programs I've used I needed to tell the printer that I'm printing landscape or using a different paper than letter.

In reply to by mike320

Ok. If I tell printer to print landscape, it will come out strange (but landscape, as the pic). But if I tell to print to pdf in landscape, but then do not do that, but go to printer and tell it also to print landscape, it works. I did not actually print to pdf, just put the setting to pdf.

A4 is default here.

The printer is wifi connected to the router. Maybe it is called network printer. And it is in my home, no giant system, just 4 computers and the printer.

The former printer was USB or cable to network. Printed the same fault.

This does not happen with other program, so I find it strange.

In reply to by Nummerskivan

Your score looks fine on my system, and if I tell the printer to print it landscape, it comes out looking exactly as it should. Are you sure you are telling your printer to print it landscape? With some OS / printer / driver combinations, the system might be able to figure this out automatically and set it by default when MuseScore tells the system the document is landscape (it does for me), but it sounds like your OS / printer / driver requires you to do this manually. So be sure to look for the Landscape option in the printer settings dialog when printing.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

If I dont tell it, it will print in normal size, and half score is not visible. When I tell printer to print landscape, it shrinks it and cut som, but print in landscape. Se attached pic in nother answer.

I had to do as one wrote, tell pdf to print landscape, then tell printer to print landscape.

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