Suppressing the number on tuplet?

• Mar 17, 2017 - 12:22

A newbie question-

Is there any way to suppress the number on a tuplet? I have a score which is in (effectively) 4/4 time with many, many triplets, and it is obvious that they are. It is therefore distracting to see the italic "3" on every one of these. It seems that the inspector can suppress the brackets, but not the numbers. Is this true?


two ways to do this.

Click the number and press V, it's still there but invisible. If it looks gray on your screen it will not print.

Click the number and press F8 if the inspector is not already open. In the inspector Change Number Type to none (you may want to do the same for the bracket). The number will disappear and will not be gray on your screen if you have view invisible selected.

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