Footnotes and Endnotes

• Mar 19, 2017 - 19:28

I use often Musescore in order to transcribe old manuscripts, in which I find very often mistakes, missing things and illegible stuff. I want now to warn the reader about my corrections and I think the best way would be to add a footnote or an endnote to explain them. Is it possible to add a similar feature?
Best regards
Adriano Morea


The easiest way to add either is through the use of a vertical frame. For a footnote, place it before the first line on the next page and place a new page mark on it. For endnotes you would go to the Add menu ->Frames -> Append Vertical frame and it will make a new frame after the last measure.

To enter an inline superscript to point at the end or footnote, use staff text so it will stay with the note you are referencing. One limitation is that you will have to insert pictures if you want to show alternate notes on a staff.

Since I don't speak Italian, I hope this all translates correctly for you.

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